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NutriPlus with Organic Selenium

In The News

Part 4 - Evidence Selenium is Vital for Good Health
(The Sun / HealthyLiving / Tuesday, Jan 02, 2002)

The following information is a continuation of a presentation by Dr. Peter Surai - Professor at Asian Science Research Centre, Scotland, based on his research on evidence that Selenium is vital for good health". Dr. Surai, who has over 25 years of research experience in antioxidants, delivered this presentation in Malaysia to educate the public on the health benefits of Selenium. Refer to last week's paper for Part 3.

A series of studies have shown that Selenium has been effective in the prevention of diseases, especially cancer. One study carried out on animals showed that adequate Selenium intake prevented the growth of tumours in 70% of the animals tested.

In a human trial carried out on 1600 volunteers showed remarkable results. Divided into 2 groups, one group was given Selenium supplements while the other was given placebos. The group given Selenium supplements showed marked improvement, with prostate cancer being reduced by 67% and overall cancer occurrence reduction by 37% in the Selenium supplemented group.

In 1997, a trial in China showed that liver cancer was reduced by 35% when Selenium supplements were used. A New York Selenium study on men focused on giving the group 200mg of Selenium supplements for 8 weeks. The test group showed improved immune system response. Yet another study carried out on 1600 volunteers aged over 65 showed that those with a Selenium deficiency were twice as likely to suffer brain function loss. A frightening case study was where it was shown that harmless viruses in Selenium deficient animals can become virulent.

Other interesting facts that seem to be correlated to Selenium was research showing 40 out of 41 women suffering fertility problems as having a Selenium deficiency. With regard to heart disease it was shown that men with Selenium deficiency were 26% more likely to have heart trouble, whereas for women it was even higher at 46%. In patients suffering from arthritis, those given Selenium supplements had swelling and pain levels reduced twice over. Stopping the Selenium supplements also showed that the arthritis swelling and pain returned to its previous levels.

Currently, there are several major ongoing trials on Selenium which, when completed are expected to confirm the health benefits of Selenium intake. In New Zealand, 42,000 people are undergoing clinical trials where dosages of 100mg, 200mg and 300mg are being carried out at the cost of USD35 million. Another trial on 34000 people will last for 14 years and cost a staggering USD100 million.

There are several ways to enrich the Selenium intake in our diet. In Norway, fertiliser is Selenium enriched to ensure it enters the food chain. There are also Selenium tablets one can take to supplement one's diet, but Dr. Surai believes that Selenium enriched food to be the best source. Of the choice of food, he said that the egg was one of the best food to enrich with Selenium. This was because the egg is a regular food for most people, and also because it would be near impossible to consume enough Selenium from consuming eggs to reach toxic levels.

Dr. Surai said that the toxicity level for Selenium would be about 50 times the recommended daily intake level, and there was no way this could happen as an individual would have to consume at least 30 eggs per day in order for that to happen.

Also, the egg contains Organic Selenium which is best for the body and high levels of Vitamin E with which it works together to prevent cellular tissue damage.


After delivering his talk, Dr. Surai fielded questions from the audience. To a question whether Selenium could accumulate in the body over time to toxic levels, Dr. Surai said it would not happen as the body would naturally dispense with the Selenium. When asked it deep frying or other methods could destroy the Selenium in the egg, he replied that it would not as Selenium is a trace element and cannot be destroyed. When asked if it would be beneficial for patients already suffering from cancer, Dr. Surai said that all studies to date were focused of the effects of Selenium in the prevention of cancer and not in curing it.