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NutriPlus with Organic Selenium

In The News

Selenium - The Miracle Mineral
The Excellent Antioxidant Also Reduces Risk of Cancer

(The Sun/SunViva/HealthyLiving/Monday, Aug 13, 2001 /pg5)


Selenium, a trace mineral essential in ensuring good health, has also been found to be an effective weapon against cancer.

The human body is made up of trillions of cells. These cells are supposed to multiply in orderly manner to replace old and worn-out cells with new cells. But the human body also produces free radicals to generate energy and destroy bacteria.

Daily exposure to pollution sources such as exhaust fumes, cigarette smoke as well as solar rays causes the body to produce excessive free radicals.

This can lead to damage to the cell and the DNA within it, causing the cell to multiply uncontrollably, thus triggering the development of cancerous cells.

Free radicals also suppress the body's natural immune system, reducing the body's ability to detect defective cells before they develop into tumours.

The level of free radicals in our body can be controlled and maintained by antioxidants. Antioxidants inhibit the oxidation process in the cell caused by free radicals, thus reducing oxidation damage to our cells.


A: Antioxidants protect the cell against damage by free radicals, and the cell's vital parts remain unharmed.

B: The cell membrane is attacked and oxidised by free radicals, causing the cell to be weakened.


Selenium is an excellent antioxidant and an essential component of glutathione peroxidase (GSH-Px), which neutralises toxic peroxide produced during normal metabolism.

Glutathione peroxidase, along with selenium is crucial for the body in its fight against cancer. However, the level of gluthathione peroxidase is reduced with advancing age as well as by consuming drugs, alcohol and a high-fat/low-fibre diet.

Selenium works more effectively in combination with other antioxidants like vitamin E. Vitamin E, taken with selenium enhances Selenium's anti-tumour and antioxidant properties.

The selenium-cancer reduction link was first discovered in the late 1960's.

Quoting Dr Margaret Rayman of the University of Surrey (UK): "Hundreds of studies have been conducted to investigate the effect of selenium on cancer prevention during recent years. The vast majority of the studies have shown highly positive effects of selenium on various types of cancer in humans."

Dr. Larry Clark, from the Arizona Cancer Centre, found from his studies that selenium supplements reduced the risk of lung cancer by 46%, colon cancer by 58%, and prostate cancer by 63%, with an overall reduction of 37% in all types of cancers. It also showed a 50% reduction in cancer mortality.


Selenium plays a key role in the functioning of the immune system as it increases the number of interleukin-2 (IL-2) receptors on the T-cell surface. T-cells kill invading pathogens while Il-2 is a hormone-like substance that stimulates T-cells to proliferate and function.

Recent studies on viruses have shown that in a body with selenium deficiency, harmless viruses can become virulent. With selenium supplements, it is able to protect against this development of virulence, which is believed to be the result of oxidative damages to the RNA virol genome.


This trace mineral is essential for male fertility, as it is required for testosterone biosynthesis and for the normal development of spermatozoa.

Recent studies with sperm have revealed two sperm specific selenoproteins. One of it is glutathione peroxidase which is specific to the sperm nuclei, and the other is found in the mid-piece where it is believed to have an enzymatic and structural function. It is found that immobility in a sperm is frequently a result of 'snaps' in the mid-piece region.


Selenium plays an important role in the manufacture of a brain chemical known as a neurotransmitter, and a low level of selenium is linked with an increased risk of dementia and senility.

According to studies, loss of brain function was found to be two-fold faster in those above 65 with selenium deficiency in their diets.

Other cognitive degeneration afflictions associated with selenium deficiency include Parkinson's and Alzheimer's diseases.

Studies done by University of Wroclaw, Poland have found that supplementing Alzheimer's patients with selenium everyday slowed the progression of the disease.


Selenium as an antioxidant prevents oxidation damage to blood vessels caused by the oxidation of low-density lipoproteins (LDL). Damaged blood vessels are susceptible to cholesterol plaque formation and clotting, which can eventually cause heart diseases such as heart attacks and strokes.


Selenium is an essential element in our diet but unfortunately, low levels of selenium are found in many countries like China, Australia, New Zealand, parts of Europe and some parts of the United States, where levels of selenium in the soil have been measured.

To ensure that the level of recommended selenium in our daily diet is sufficient, supplements are now readily available in various forms like tablets and even healthier and more nutritious forms like organic-selenium enriched eggs that also have the goodness of vitamin E for more effective antioxidant protection.