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NutriPlus with Organic Selenium

In The News

NutriPlus™ Eggs from Lay Hong Berhad
(The Sun/SunViva/HealthyLiving/Monday, Aug 20, 2001 /pg9)

With almost 40 years of experience in the Malaysian poultry industry, the public-listed Lay Hong Berhad Group has emerged as one of the country's largest and most advanced fully integrated egg and broiler producers.

At the helm of the group is Yap Hoong Chai, Lay Hong Berhad's managing director - a man of vision and known for his dedication to his work.

Yap, with 30 years of experience in the poultry and broiler industry is credited with improving Lay Hong's produce to cater to a more health-conscious modern generation with the introduction of its NutriPlus range of nutritionally enhanced eggs such as NutriPlus™ with Organic Selenium, NutriPlus™ with Omega 3 and others.

The latest introduction is NutriPlus™ Enriched with Organic Selenium eggs. Organic Selenium is an essential element in our diet.

It is an excellent antioxidant. Antioxidants are needed by our body to destroy free radicals because excessive free radicals can lead to cancer and other major illnesses.

Selenium also enhances our immune system and delays the onset of ageing. Unfortunately, due to the declining level of nutrients in the food we take, most of us suffer from a selenium deficiency in our diet.


A: Antioxidants protect the cell against damage by free radicals, and the cell's vital parts remain unharmed.

B: The cell membrane is attacked and oxidised by free radicals, causing the cell to be weakened.


NutriPlus™ Enriched with Organic Selenium eggs are an excellent source of Organic Selenium. Experts concur that a good way to ensure that we consume the daily recommended level of Selenium - as our diet requires - is to eat two of these Organic Selenium enriched eggs a day.

Enriching the level of Organic Selenium in an egg is not an easy process. Lay Hong's NutriPlus™ Enriched with Organic Selenium eggs is the result of close collaboration with Alltech Biotechnology Inc., USA.

Alltech, with more than 20 years of experience in biotechnology engineering, has produced a special feed additive for layers that can successfully increase the level of selenium in an egg. This feed additive has met the stringent approval standards of the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

NutriPlus™ Enriched with Organic Selenium eggs not only possess the goodness of Organic Selenium and a lower level of cholesterol but are also enriched with Omega 3 and Vitamin E.

Vitamin E is an essential antioxidant needed to protect human cells. Vitamin E is also regarded as a major antioxidant in the biological membrane. Together with Selenium, vitamin E can maintain and complete antioxidation protection in cells.

According to the experts, for maximum benefit, Organic Selenium supplementation should be taken as early in life as possible.

Now, Lay Hong Berhad has provided families the ideal and most convenient way to ensure they start each day with all the healthy goodness of Organic Selenium, Omega 3 and vitamin E in one neat package - NutriPlus™ Enriched with Organic Selenium eggs.

Eggs with added Organic Selenium have a higher selenium level than those found in ordinary eggs.