1. Lean, natural cuts of whole air-chilled birds go
into NutriPlus
chicken franks. The meat is absolutely fresh and derived from
veterinary-inspected chicken to ensure only the finest
ingredients go into out frankfurter.
2. The meat goes through the grinding process. Then,
spices and water are added. The ingredients will bind into a
mixture known as emulsion. This continuous series of
minimize the possibility of contamination.
3. Raw emulsion is filled into sterile cellulose casings in vacuum
ensure the highest hygiene standards. After filling the
casings to
the maximum capacity in the desired diameter, the
go through high speed linking and are then suspended from
smoke rods for the next process.
4. In the smokehouse, our traditional wood chip smoking imparts
flavor-sustaining properties to frankfurter. Cooking (hot
follows immediately after smoking. Chilling by cold water
ends this process.
5. The peeling process takes place when frankfurters are at room
temperature. These frankfurters are then packed and
transported to the freezer.
6. Intensive lab testing and quality checks are a reassurance of the
attention we pay to stringent quality control of NutriPlus